Instructional Resources
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Find the Park below to access paired resources

Sequoia and Death Valley National Parks
7th grade Science Standards - weather and climate; water cycle
Rain Shadow - Death Valley and Sequoia
Engage: Discussion Guide
Explore: Modeling Relative Humidity
Explain: Weather Journal
Elaborate: Weather vs. Climate Analysis
Evaluate: Communicating Climate Risks

Saguaro National Park
5th grade Science Standards - Adaptations; 8th grade Science Standards - Diversity of Species
Engage: Discussion Guide
Explore: Modeling Desert Food Web
Explain: Modeling Desert Adaptations
Elaborate: Cactus Stats
Evaluate: Building a Rain Garden

Grand Canyon National Park
6th grade Science Standards - Rock Types; 8th grade Science Standards - Rock and Fossil Record
Engage: Discussion Guide
Explore: Rock Layer Analysis
Explain: Relative Dating Model
Elaborate: Absolute Dating
Evaluate: Museum Display

Arches National Park
4th grade Science Standards - erosion, weathering, and deposition; 8th grade Science Standards -Â Processes that shape Earth's surface
How did all these arches form? Erosion and Weathering - Arches National Park | OutSCIder Classroom
Engage: Discussion Guide
Explore: Virtual Exploration: Nat Geo Walter’s Travels
Explain: Lab - Stream Table
Elaborate: Land Use Over Time
Evaluate: School Grounds - Erosion Control

Acadia National Park
6th grade Science Standards - Rock Types and Rock Cycle
How’d these rocks get here? Rock Cycle | Acadia National Park
Engage: Discussion Guide
Explore: Rock Cycle Modeling​​
Explain: Rock Classification Lab
Elaborate: Acadia Cross Section and Geologic Map Analysis
Evaluate: Geology Museum Display Project

Shenandoah National Park
8th grade Science Standards - Plate Tectonics

Congaree National Park
7th grade Science Standards - abiotic and biotic factors
What are the parts of an ecosystem? Biotic & Abiotic Factors | Congaree National Park
Engage: Discussion Guide
Explore: Biotic and Abiotic Factors Card Sort
Explain: Biotic and Abiotic Factors in Local Aquatic Ecosystems
Elaborate: Land Use Analysis for Water Pollution
Evaluate: School Rain Garden
Assessment: Student Reflection Essay

Biscayne National Park
7th Grade Science Standards - Ocean and Atmospheric Currents
How does heat move around the ocean? Ocean Currents | Biscayne National Park
Engage: Discussion Guide
Explore: Modeling Ocean Currents
Explain: Tracking Ocean Buoys Lab
Elaborate: Analyzing Currents, Climate, and Latitude
Evaluate: Oil Spill Clean Up Engineering Challenge

Dry Tortugas National Park
8th Grade Science Standards - Earth's surface; Glaciation and sea level rise
Where did the Florida Keys come from? Glaciers and Sea Levels | Dry Tortugas National Park (released on 10/5)
Engage: Discussion Guide
Explore: Modeling Sea Level Rise
Explain: Thermal Expansion Lab
Elaborate: Analyzing Sea Level Rise Threats
Evaluate: Carbon Sequestration Garden

Great Smoky Mountains National Park
5th Grade - Food webs and ecosystems; 7th Grade Science Standards - Trophic Levels
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Virgin Islands National Park
8th Grade Science Standards - Plate tectonics, Earth's surface
How did these islands form? Subduction Zones | Virgin Islands National Park
Engage: Discussion Guide
Explore: Tectonic Landforms Card Sort
Explain: Tectonic Landforms Simulation
Elaborate: Mapping Subduction Zones with Seismic Data
Evaluate: Designing Earthquake-resistant Buildings Engineering Challenge

Everglades National Park
7th Grade Science Standards - Water Cycle

Mammoth Cave National Park
6th Grade - Minerals; 7th Grade - Types and Properties of Matter; Physical Science - Chemical Reactions